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Dynamic Subscriptions Edit on GitHub

If you're going to use dynamic subscriptions, we strongly recommend you use a separate "control" channel to separate the messages that FubuMVC sends between running nodes to coordinate subscriptions. We also strongly recommend using some kind of durable subscription storage (explained below).

In more advanced usages of the FubuMVC service bus, you may want your application to be able to subscribe to messages produced by a separate application without having to first configure the other application. The subscriptions feature is the mechanism to make this registration.

First off, remember that FubuMVC service bus applications can be run as a cluster of executing nodes. Knowing that, subscriptions can be either:

  • Global - subscribe the entire cluster of nodes to specific messages published by another application
  • Local - subscribes only the executing node to specific messages published by another application

Use a global subscription to take advantage of load balancing between nodes. Use a local subscription if you want the subscribed messages to be received by every node in the application cluster.

See also:

Configurating Subscriptions

Subscriptions are configured in the FubuTransportRegistry<T> class that establishes your application.

First, assume you have a settings object for your service bus application that models both the incoming messages channel for your application cluster and a channel to a completely separate application:

public class NodeSettings
    // This uri points to a different
    // application
    public Uri OtherApp { get; set; }

    // This uri should be the shared
    // channel that all nodes in the
    // application cluster are reading
    public Uri Receiving { get; set; }

Now, to configure both a local subscription to each and every executing node and a global subscription for load balanced messages to all the nodes:

public class LocalApp : FubuTransportRegistry<NodeSettings>
    public LocalApp()
        // Explicitly set the logical descriptive
        // name of this application. The default is
        // derived from the name of the class
        NodeName = "MyApplication";

        // Incoming messages
        Channel(x => x.Receiving)

        // Local subscription to only this node
            .ToSource(x => x.OtherApp)

        // Global subscription to the all the
        // running nodes in this clustered application
        SubscribeAt(x => x.Receiving)
            .ToSource(x => x.OtherApp)

How it works

FubuMVC exposes the idea of subscription persistence to store information about the list of active applications, nodes, and subscriptions in a durable storage of some sort. Between running nodes, FubuMVC has built in message types for SubscriptionsChanged, SubscriptionRequested, and SubscriptionsRemoved that it uses to coordinate subscriptions across running nodes and applications.

When a FubuMVC service bus application is initialized, it:

  • Persists information about the running node including where it's running and a Uri for a local reply channel to that specific node
  • Loads the same information about any other nodes in the logical application cluster from the subscription storage
  • Loads the list of previously persisted message subscriptions
  • Sends out SubscriptionRequested messages to request dynamic subscriptions

Customizing Subscription Storage

The default subscription storage is just an in memory model, so you'll almost certainly want to replace that with some sort of durable storage mechanism if you're going to use subscriptions. To use a different subscription storage, you need an implementation of the ISubscriptionPersistence interface that you can plug into the application services like so:

public class SubscriptionStorageApp : FubuTransportRegistry<AppSettings>
    public SubscriptionStorageApp()
        // Plug in subscription storage backed by RavenDb
            .ReplaceService<ISubscriptionPersistence, RavenDbSubscriptionPersistence>();

You can see a sample implementation for RavenDb here. There will be a version backed by Marten soon as well.

The subscription storage was largely based on the assumption that you'd probably opt to use a document database for the backing store.